The paper “SINFONIA: Gerenciamento Seguro de Funções Virtualizadas de Rede através de Corrente de Blocos” co-authored by f Gabriel A. F. Rebello, Igor Drummond Alvarenga, Igor Jochem Sanz, and Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte has won the best paper award in I Workshop em Blockchain: Teoria, Tecnologias e Aplicações (WBlockchain’2018) of the XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC’2018). The GTA/UFRJ team, headed by Prof. Otto Carlos Duarte, developed SINFONIA (Secure vIrtual Network Function Orchestrator for Non-repudiation, Integrity, and Auditability), a blockchain-based system for providing security to virtualized networks, ensuring auditability, non-repudiation, and integrity of orchestration operations.
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