Enabling the Future Internet for Smart Cities

Enabling the Future Internet for Smart Cities

Pesquisadores do InterSCity vencem Desafio da Radartona 2019

Radartona was a Hackathon for the development of mobility solutions for the city of São Paulo, using data from the 900+ radars installed in the city. In addition to the radar data, a large amount of city data was also available, such as information on traffic accidents, weather, and the average speed of city buses. The event was held at Mobilab+ (http://mobilab.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/) on November 8-10.

Radartona proposed six challenges for the development of solutions: average radar-detected speed, accuracy of climate radars, anonymization of radar data, relationship between climate and radar data, relationship between bus GPS data and radar data, and relationship between accidents and radar data.

The InterSCity team was composed by researchers Higor Amario and Eduardo Santana (FAPESP fellows) and undergraduate student Éderson Cássio (CNPq fellow). The proposal was to verify whether radar placement influences accidents in the city. The group found out that accidents usually occur outside the radar’s area of influence, indicating that the presence of radars prevents accidents. More information about the project and the code developed can be found in the project repository.

Higor Amario and Eduardo Santana (FAPESP fellows)