InterSCity is a collaborative research project hosted by the National Science and Technology Institute (INCT) of the Future Internet for Smart Cities. The project encompasses 9 Brazilian institutions, as well as international partners and addresses, research challenges and initiatives in three fronts:
(1) Networking and High-Performance Distributed Computing, which focuses on the challenges brought by IoT, such as machine-to-machine communication and energy constraints, as well as on integration of mobile data with cloud and HPC infrastructures for big data processing;
(2) Software Engineering for the Future Internet, dealing with the challenges for the development of stable, scalable systems comprised of multiple highly interactive complex subsystems developed by independent parties;
(3) Analysis and Mathematical Modeling for the Future Internet and Smart Cities, dedicated to the exploration of novel mechanisms to obtain the greatest benefit from the ever-growing amount of data generated in cities while dealing with signific and noise and missing data.
InterSCity aims at developing an integrated open-source platform containing all the major building blocks for the development of robust, integrated, sophisticated applications for the smart cities of the future.
Check out a more detailed overall description of the InterSCity project (published in IEEE NoF’16).
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