Buzu (2019) at first edition of “Sons de Silício” (photo by Subtil Jéssica)
This project, a partnership of the InterSCity project and the NuSom GPI (Interactive Practices Group of NuSom), aims at providing aesthetic auralizations of urban-related data. It was featured in the Buzu sound installation during the first edition of the sound art occupation and experimental lutherie “Sons de Silício” (Silicon Sounds) realized at EdA (Space of Arts) at Usp (University of Sao Paulo) in April, 2019, which was partially supported by the InterSCity project. Buzu (by Julián Jaramillo Arango, Esteban Viveros and Fernando Iazzetta) provides an acoustic image of the São Paulo city bus system, generated through public data obtained from the SPtrans and Olho Vivo platforms available on InterSCity open data.
The partnership of InteSCity and NuSom GPI which realized it now will hold the second edition of this art exposition at the Espaço Universitário Maria Antônia museum, from September 13 to December 13, 2019.