Enabling the Future Internet for Smart Cities

Enabling the Future Internet for Smart Cities


Seventh INCT Workshop

The seventh (and last!) INCT workshop is coming! In tandem with the First ECOSustain workshop, members of both projects will get together on September 1-4 at the Itamambuca Eco Resort (Ubatuba – SP) to present the recent achievements of the project and discuss future directions and integration among researchers. The proposed program is presented below:

Day 1 – Sunday, September 1, 2024
13:30 – 15:30 Check-in
15:30 – 16:30 Opening
16:30 – 18:30 Session 1 – Smart cities (chair: Fábio Costa)
Mobilidade sob Demanda Integrada ao Transporte Público – Raphael Yokoingawa de Camargo (UFABC)
Blockchain-based Decentralized Identity Management for Smart Cities – André Luiz Almeida Cardoso (UFMA)
Accelerating Large Scale Smart Cities Simulations – Francisco Wallison Carlos Rocha (USP)
Expectativas e atividades de elevação de TRL da plataforma Interscity – Matheus Jacon Pereira (IPT)
Algoritmos de Roteamento para Sistema de Veículos Sob Demanda para a Última Milha – Gabriel Schwartz (USP)
Smart Grids – Lucas Seiki Oshiro (USP)
18:30 – 19:30 High Impact Research and EcoSustain Subprojects – Fabio Kon (IME/USP)
19:30 – 21:00 Dinner
Day 2 – Monday, September 2, 2024
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 – 11:00 Session 2 – Computer networking and distributed systems (chair: Luiz Bittencourt)
Energy-aware management of HPC/AI workflows – Lucas de Sousa Rosa (USP)
Dyssect: Dynamic Scaling of Stateful Network Functions – Fabricio Barbosa de Carvalho (UFMS)
Digital Twins de Sistemas Computacionais – Luiz Fernando Bittencourt (UNICAMP)
Using Multicast Network Slices in Edge Environments – Jose Aparecido Carrilho (UNICAMP)
Dynamic Hardware Customisation for Mobile Users in FPGA-accelerated Edge Infrastructures – Diogo Machado Gonçalves (UNICAMP)
11:00 – 12:30 Discussion Groups
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 16:00 Science on the Beach
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:30 Session 3 – Cybersecurity and secure systems (chair: Francisco Silva e Silva)
Gestão de Identidade e Segurança para a Plataforma InterSCity – Francisco José da Silva e Silva (UFMA)
Provas de conhecimento zero – Arlindo Flavio da Conceição (UNIFESP)
Nuvens Veiculares para Processamento de Tarefas – Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira (UNICAMP)
Abrindo a Caixa-Preta — Aplicando IA Explicável para Aprimorar a Detecção de Sequestros de Prefixo – Adriano Bastos de Carvalho (UFMS)
Mapping and Mitigating Bottlenecks in the Linux kernel Contribution Model – David de Barros Tadokoro (USP)
18:30 – 19:30 Relationship with governments – SEMAS-PA (Antônio Abelém)
19:30 – 21:00 Dinner
Day 3 – Tuesday, September 3, 2024
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Session 4 – AI and data science (chair: Miguel Elias Mitre Campista)
Heuristics vs ML for UAV swarm movement coordination and trajectory optimization – Markus Endler (PUC-Rio)
Experimentação para embasamento de políticas públicas – Fabio Kon (USP)
Detecção de Discurso de Ódio e Discriminação Algorítmica: Uma Avaliação Sobre Modelos de Atenção – Cássia Claudiane Silva da Rosa (UFMS)
Aprendizado Federado: Análise sobre a influência do sincronismo – Maria Victoria França Silva Ramos (UFRJ)
Em direção ao enriquecimento semântico dos dados do CulturaEduca – Vitor Pinheiro de Almeida (PUC-Rio)
11:00 – 12:30 Discussion Groups
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 16:00 Science on the Beach
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:30 Session 5 – Sustainability and environment (chair: Ronaldo Alves Ferreira)
Projeto ForestEyes – desenvolvimentos atuais e trabalhos futuros – Alvaro Luiz Fazenda (UNIFESP)
Smart Quantum Technologies in the Amazon – Diego Medeiros de Abreu (UFPA)
Campanhas de Ciência Cidadã na Detecção de Desmatamento na Amazônia Legal Brasileira – Hugo Resende (UNIFESP)
A Satellite Band Selection Framework for Amazon Forest Deforestation Detection Task – Eduardo Bouhid Neto (UNIFESP)
Construindo sistemas de transporte resilientes às mudanças climáticas – Roberto Speicys Cardoso (Scipopulis)
18:30 – 21:00 Dinner on the Deck
Day 4 – Wednesday, September 4, 2024
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 Session 6 – Smart systems and green computing (chair: Markus Endler)
Software modeling techniques specific to the context of IoT: a systematic mapping – Rodrigo do Nascimento Siqueira (UFMA)
Digital twins of self-adaptive software systems – Fábio M. Costa (UFG)
Uma técnica de agrupamento de requisitos funcionais para software de IoT – Bruno Carvalho da Silva (UFMA)
Green/Sustainable DevOps – Darwish Ahmad Herati (USP)
Sensoriamento Quântico e suas aplicações no contexto do projeto – Antônio Abelém e Diego Medeiros de Abreu (UFPA)
11:00 – 12:30 Discussion Groups
12:30 – 13:30 Checkout / Lunch

Sixth INCT Workshop

The sixth INCT workshop is coming! On September 3-6, members of the InterSCity project will get together at the Itamambuca Eco Resort (Ubatuba – SP) to present the recent achievements of the project and discuss future directions and integration among researchers. The proposed program is presented below:

The program for each of the technical sessions can be seen below:

Session 1 – Middleware –  September 3, 2023 – 16h30 – Chair: Fábio Costa (presentations)


  • Optimal sizing of a globally distributed low carbon cloud federation – Daniel de Angelis Cordeiro (EACH-USP)
  • Dynamic Network Slicing for Mobile Users – Diogo Machado Gonçalves (UNICAMP)
    Resource Management for Cloud Computing using Computational Social Choice – Felipe Voigtlaender Furquim (EACH-USP)
  • ProfitPilot: Enabling Circular Rebalancing in Payment Channel Networks through Cycle Creation and Profitable Channels – Gustavo Franco Camilo (UFRJ)
  • Multicast Network Slices for Multimedia Transmissions in Edge Networks – Jose Aparecido Carrilho (Unicamp)
  • Using cellular infrastructures data to foster the transition towards smart cities: a systematic mapping – Eder Mauricio Barbosa (IPT)


Session 2 – Software/Systems – September 4, 2023 – 09h00 – Chair: Denise Stringhini (presentations)


  • Desenvolvimento de um Software para Melhorar a Adequação do Transporte Público Metropolitano para Usuários PCD – Felipe Bugarin Guerra (Unifesp)
  • Towards Self-Distribution in the Computing Continuum – Luiz Fernando Bittencourt (UNICAMP)
  • Migrando do InterSCity para o ECO Sustain – Markus Endler (PUC-Rio)
  • SysIoTML: Uma técnica para modelagem de aplicações no contexto de IoT – Rodrigo do Nascimento Siqueira (UFMA)
  • Anomaly Detection in Networks – Henrique Gonçalves Salvador (IME – USP)
  • Service Placement in the Internet Continuum – Fábio M. Costa (UFG)
  • Seasonal variation in mortality in Brazil (Variação sazonal da mortalidade no Brasil) – Victor Foscarini Almeida (IME – USP)


Session 3 – Policies – September 4, 2023 – 16h00 – Chair: Francisco Silva e Silva (presentations)


  • Predicting cycling flows in cities without cycling data – Eduardo Bobrow Falbel (IME-USP)
  • Programa Bike SP – Políticas Públicas Baseadas em Evidências Científicas – Ana Yoon Faria de Lima (IME-USP)
  • Metáforas arquitetônicas e experiências de crescimento contínuo – Henrique Figueiredo Correa (FAU-USP)
  • CulturaEduca: An Overview – Inaê Batistoni e Silva (Instituto Lidas)
  • Portal CulturaEduca – Juliana Orro Marquez (UNIFESP)
  • CulturaEduca: Datasets Integration – Arthur Coser Marinho (IME – USP)


Session 4 – Tools – September 5, 2023 – 09h00 – Chair: Miguel Elias Mitre Campista (presentations)


  • Ferramenta para gestão da informação para auxílio em processos de fiscalização e regularização fundiária em Zona Rural – Maria Ligia Nakamura Guillen Vianna (UNIFESP)
  • Geração automatizada de indicadores de acessibilidade – Roberto Speicys Cardoso (Scipopulis)
  • Projeto ForestEyes – Alvaro Luiz Fazenda (UNIFESP)
  • Um Dashboard para monitoramento do ContextNet e Mobile-Hub com Docker e Kubernetes – Antonio Mesquita Junior (PUC-Rio)
  • Drones in the Big City: Autonomous Collision Avoidance for Aerial Delivery Services – Fabíola Martins Campos de Oliveira (UFABC)
  • Ferramenta para Disponibilização de Dados de Sensores Processados em Nuvens com Ambientes de Execução Confiáveis – Guilherme Araujo Thomaz (UFRJ)
  • Plataforma colaborativa para compartilhamento e difusão de informações científicas – uma abordagem experimental – Gustavo Alves Machado (FAU-USP)
  • Drone Edge Management System (DREMS): Sequencing Drone Takeoff and Landing – Lucas de Paula Soares (UNICAMP)


Session 5 – ML + AI – September 5, 2023 – 16h00 – Chair: Ronaldo Alves Ferreira (presentations)


  • Deep Ensemble for Automatic Active Learning: Finding Challenging Urban Images of Trees entangled with Powerlines – Artur André Almeida de Macedo Oliveira (IME-USP)
  • Técnicas de Processamento de Linguagem Natural para Detecção de Discurso de Ódio – Cássia Claudiane Silva da Rosa (UFMS)
  • ATHENA-FL: Avoiding sTatistical HEterogeiNety with one-versus-All in Federated Learning – Lucas Airam Castro de Souza (UFRJ)
  • Usando técnicas de Machine Learning para otimização – Lucas de Sousa Rosa (IME-USP)
  •  Detecção de incidentes de trânsito com dados de GPS de ônibus e mobilidade urbana – Mayurí Annerose Morais (FGV)
  • AVADiP: Aplicações Veiculares com Aprendizado Distribuído e Manutenção de Privacidade – Miguel Elias Mitre Campista (UFRJ)
  • Combinações de Bandas de Imagens de Sensoriamento Remoto baseadas em Computação Evolutiva para Detecção de Desmatamento – Eduardo Bouhid Neto (UNIFESP)


Session 6 – Evaluation – September 6, 2023 – 09h00 – Chair: Daniel Cordeiro (presentations)


  • Performance Evaluation of Self-Sovereign Identity Use Cases – Arlindo Flavio da Conceição Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
  • Comparativo de Estratégias para Resposta a Emergências usando Redes Ad Hoc Veiculares e Computação em Névoa – Bruno Pereira Campos/João Henri Carrenho Rocha (IME-USP )
  • Métricas de privacidade: Revisão da literatura e aplicação em software científico na área de redes de computadores – Jessica Yumi Nakano Sato (IME-USP)
  • Identificação de padrões multimodais de comportamento humano utilizando fenotipagem digital – Ivan Rodrigues de Moura (UFMA)
  • Socioeconomic Effects on the Distribution of Mortality in São Paulo – Raphael Yokoingawa de Camargo (UFABC)
  • TBD – Fabio Kon (IME-USP)

Fifth INCT Workshop

The fifth INCT workshop is coming! On September 4-7, members of the InterSCity project will get together at the Itamambuca Eco Resort (Ubatuba – SP) to present the recent achievements of the project and discuss future directions and integration among researchers. The proposed program is presented below (Some photos of the event can be viewed by clicking on the name of each session):

Day 1 – Sunday, September 4, 2022
14:00 – 16:00 Check-in
16:00 – 16:30 Opening
16:30 – 18:15 Session 1 – Smart cities (chair: Carlos Alberto Kamienski – UFABC)
Governance in Smart Cities Control Centers – Alessandro Santiago dos Santos (IPT)
Blockchain-based Decentralized Identity Management for Smart Cities – André Luiz Almeida Cardoso (UFMA)
Reasoning Services for Smart Cities – Alexandre Malheiros Meslin (PUC-Rio)
Future Urban Scenarios – Gabriel Mazzola Poli de Figueiredo (FAU-USP)
Accelerating Smart City Simulations – Francisco Wallison Carlos Rocha (EACH-USP)
Public Policies based on Scientific Evidences – Fabio Kon (IME-USP)
18:15 – 19:00 Discussion Groups (participants will be organized in groups to discuss topics of the project)
19:00 – 20:00 Dinner
20:00 – 21:00 Lighting tutoring (students will present their work in 90 sec and receive suggestions)
Day 2 – Monday, September 5, 2022
7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 – 10:30 Design Thinking
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 13:00 Session 2 – Software Architecture + IoT (chair: Luiz Fernando Bittencourt – Unicamp)
Software Architectures – Alfredo Goldman (IME-USP)
Micro-service Architectures – Kanan Castro Silva (UFABC)
Distributed Applications for the IoT Continuum – Carlos Alberto Kamienski (UFABC)
Improving Fuzzing Techniques for the MQTT Protocol – Luis Gustavo Araujo Rodriguez (IME-USP)
Querying Semi-Structured Data with Semantic Evolution – Pedro Ivo Siqueira Nepomuceno (IME-USP)
Hierarchical Clustering of Nodes for Accuracy Increase in Federated Learning – Miguel Elias Mitre Campista e Lucas Airim (GTA/UFRJ)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:30 – 16:00 Session 3 – Applications (chair: Roberto Speicys Cardoso – Scipopulis)
Projects: ForestEyes, Lightning prediction, Natural Disaster monitoring by social media – Alvaro Luiz Fazenda (UNIFESP)
Simulation of wireless sensor networks for landslide monitoring – Karlson Tellicio Bezerra de Lima (IME-USP)
A Deep Learning approach for automatic counting of bales and product boxes in industrial production lines – Renato Porfirio Ishii (UFMS)
Application of complex networks for the development of a methodology for analysis of resilience and sustainability in supply chains – Giovanna Gonçalves de Misquita e Silva (UNIFESP)
PCNsim: A Flexible and Modular Payment Channel Networks Simulator – Gustavo Franco Camilo (GTA/UFRJ)
Drones in the Big City: Reducing Collisions in Aerial Delivery Services – Fabíola Martins Campos de Oliveira (UFABC)
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:30 Session 4 – Mobility (chair: Raphael Yokoingawa de Camargo – UFABC)
Runtime microservice self-distribution for fine-grained resource allocation – Renato S. Dias (UFG)
Results of vehicle mobility monitoring using the InterSCity Platform in the COVID Crisis Committee in São Paulo – Igor Cunha Teixeira (IPT)
Technological challenges for the humanization of public transport for PwD passengers – Denise Stringhini (UNIFESP)
An Anomaly Detection Model Using GPS Data from Public Bus Systems in Large Cities – Mayuri Annerose Morais (UFABC)
Planning the electrification of public transport – Roberto Speicys Cardoso (Scipopulis)
Traffic Light Control for Emergency Vehicles – Rodrigo Gonçalves de Branco (UFMS)
A Robust Cycling Potential Index – Design, Implementation, and Validation – Pedro Gigeck Freire (IME-USP)
Middleware for IoT with Mobility – Markus Endler (PUC-Rio)
18:30 – 20:00 Discussion Groups
20:00 – 21:00 Dinner
Day 3 – Tuesday, September 6, 2022
7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 – 9:30 Guest Lecture by Prof. Paulo Ferreira (University of Oslo): FogTMDetector: Fog Based Transport ModeDetection (TMD) using Smartphones
9:30 – 10:30 Discussion about future grant proposals
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 13:00 Session 5 – Education + Health (chair: Kelly Rosa Braghetto – IME-USP)
Teaching Smart City Content in the Graduate Program in Computer Science – Francisco José da Silva e Silva (UFMA)
CulturaEduca: online tool for interactive and visual exploration of different databases to support educational public policies – Tiago Silva da Silva (UNIFESP)
Collaborative platform for sharing and disseminating scientific information – an experimental approach to two FAPESP projects: Arquigrafia 4.0 Experience and Urban Imaginaries – Gabrielle Mendes de Souza Delgado (FAU-USP)
HealthDashboard: A Urban Public Health Geospatial Visualization Platform – Lucas Pires Stankus (IME-USP)
Analysis and Visualization of Health Regionalization in Brazil – Gabriely Rangel Pereira (IME-USP)
Predicting Dengue Outbreaks with Explainable Machine Learning – Raphael Yokoingawa de Camargo (UFABC)
Gamification: outlines and applications of games at the school, at work and in culture – Guilherme Almeida de Souza (FAU-USP)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
15:30 – 16:30 Discussion groups
16:30 – 18:30 Session 6 – Cloud + fog + vision (chair: Markus Endler – PUC-Rio)
Follow-the-sun approach in Cloud computing – Fanny Dufossé (INRIA Grenoble)
Towards greener multi-clouds: scheduling with follow-the-renewables and dimensioning of solar panels and batteries – Miguel Felipe Silva Vasconcelos (EACH-USP)
A Simulation Journey Towards Fog-based Emergency Response System using VANET – Kifayat Ullah (IME-USP)
FaaS Cold Start Mitigation in Edge-Fog-Cloud Architectures – Giovanni Aparecido da Silva Oliveira (IME-USP)
Resource allocation in the computational continuum – Luiz Fernando Bittencourt (Unicamp)
Detecting trees near electric wires with Deep Learning – Artur Andre Almeida de Macedo Oliveira (IME-USP)
RiverEye – Monitoring endangered riparian zones – Diego Pavan Soler (IME-USP)
18:30 – 19:30 Round table: Data acquisition, management, and privacy in smart cities
Miguel Campista (GTA/UFRJ), Edmundo Madeira (Unicamp), Roberto Speicys (Scipopulis), Fabio Kon (IME-USP), and Markus Endler (PUC-Rio)
19:30 – 21:00 Dinner on the deck
Day 4 – Wednesday, September 7, 2022
7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 – 10:00 Results from the discussion groups
10:00 – 12:00 Session 7 – Network + Security (chair: Daniel Macêdo Batista – IME-USP)
Dynamic network slicing for mobile users – Diogo Machado Gonçalves (Unicamp)
Securing Wireless Payment Channel Networks with Minimal Block Time Windows – Gabriel Antonio Fontes Rebello (GTA/UFRJ)
CACIC: Controle de Acesso Confiável Usando Enclaves a Dados em Nuvem da Internet das Coisas – Guilherme Araujo Thomaz (GTA/UFRJ)
Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Communities in Vehicle Networks – Carlos Alexandre Pinheiro de Souza (Unicamp)
AI/ML for Network Security: The Emperor has no Clothes – Ronaldo Alves Ferreira (UFMS)
Two-Tier Intrusion Detection System for IoT-Enabled Smart City – Mosab Hamdan Adam Mohamed Alhassan (IME-USP)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

Fourth INCT Workshop – Online Edition

The Fourth InterSCity workshop will again happen online, starting at June 22nd, 2021. The proposed program is:
Day 1 – June 22nd, 2021 (Tuesday), 14h – 15h35
Session “Datascience” (Chair: Kelly R. Braghetto)
14h00 Abertura – Fabio Kon (IME/USP)
14h05 Uso de dispositivos IoT na avaliação de escorregamentos planares rasos com sensores inerciais – Alessandro Santiago dos Santos (IPT)
14h20 Desafios e expectativas para plataformas de IoT em um cenário de mineração 4.0 – Matheus Jacon e Igor Teixeira (IPT)
14h35 Analyzing and Visualizing the Brazilian Health Regionalization Process: A complex systems perspective – Gabriely Rangel Pereira (IME-USP)
14h50 ForestEyes Project – Citizen Science and Machine Learning to detect deforested areas in tropicalforests – Fernanda B. J. R. Dallaqua (UNIFESP)
15h05 Pot Pourri de atividades de pesquisas 1: Detecção de Ataques Automáticos através de Decomposição Espectral, Otimização Hiperparamétrica e Detecção de Intrusão por Padrões Visuais – Lucas Airam Castro de Souza, Lucas Chagas de Brito Guimarães e Danyel Clinário dos Santos (GTA/UFRJ)
15h20 Pot Pourri de atividades de pesquisas 2: Redes de Canais de Pagamento e Provisionamento de Funções Virtuais de Rede como Serviço através de Corrente de Blocos – Gabriel Antonio Fontes Rebello e Gustavo Franco Camilo (GTA/UFRJ)
Day 2 – July 2nd, 2021 (Friday), 14h – 15h30
Session “Applications” (Chair: Carlos Kamienski)
14h00 A data integration architecture for smart cities – Murilo Ribeiro (IME-USP)
14h15 Evolution of the HealthDashboard: An Urban Public Health Geospatial Visualization Platform – Lucas Pires Stankus (IME-USP)
14h30 CulturaEduca – um caminho para apoiar a elaboração de poíticas públicas educacionais baseadas em evidências – Tiago Silva da Silva (ICT-UNIFESP)
14h45 Uso da ferramenta BikeScience para a análise de mobilidade ativa: análises com a CET, migração de viagens e BikeScience Web – Higor Amario de Souza (IME-USP)
15h00 Traffic-Light Control for Emergency Vehicles – Rodrigo Gonçalves de Branco (UFMS)
15h15 A conceptual IoT-based early-warning architecture for remote monitoring of COVID-19 patients in wards and at home – Antonio Paganelli (PUC-Rio)
Day 3 – July 13th, 2021 (Tuesday), 14h – 15h30
Session “Networks, Fog/Cloud, Iot” (Chair: Roger Immich)
14h00 Future Generation of Multi-tier Video Streaming Networks – Eduardo de Souza Gama (UNICAMP)
14h15 Multimedia Services Placement Algorithm for Cloud-Fog Hierarchical Environments – Fillipe (UNICAMP)
14h30 Dynamic Network Slicing for User Mobility Support in Fog Computing – Diogo Machado Gonçalves (UNICAMP)
14h45 Network Queuing Assessment: A Method to Detect Bottlenecks in Service Function Chaining – Alexandre Heideker e Carlos Kamienski (UFABC)
15h00 SDN-based Intent-Driven IoT Networks – Bruna Michelly Cordeiro (INF-UFG)
15h15 Mitigation of Sleep Deprivation Attacks in IoT – Jean Luc Antoine O. Fobe (IME-USP)
Day 4 – July 23rd, 2021 (Friday), 14h – 15h15
Session “Mobility” (Chair: Daniel M. Batista)
14h00 Efficient Prediction of Region-wide Traffic States in Public Bus Networks using LSTMs – Marcos Amaris Gonzalez (UFPA)
14h15 Data-Driven Analysis of Fixed-Route Service Reliability and its Determinants at the Route and System Levels: Machine Learning Approach – Diego Luiz da Silva (UFABC/ University of Toronto)
14h30 An Anomaly Detection Model Using GPS Data from Public Bus Systems in Large Cities – Mayuri Annerose Morais (UFABC)
14h45 Case studies in mobility and supply chain sustainability – Felipe Bugarin Guerra, Giovanna Misquita (ICT-UNIFESP)
15h00 Federated learning to predict traffic jam levels on the vehicle route – Matteus Vargas (UNICAMP)
Day 5 – August 3rd, 2021 (Tuesday), 14h – 15h30
Session “Modeling” (Chair: Denise Stringhini)
14h00 A Management Architecture for IoT Smart Solutions: Design and Implementation – Dener Ottolini e Carlos Kamienski (UFABC)
14h15 Pot Pourri de atividades de pesquisas 4: A Coordinator for the Interaction Between Emergent Microservices and Horizontal Autoscalers; and A Resource Virtualization Solution for the InterSCity Platform – Luiz Mattos and Rafael Rodrigues Silva (INF-UFG)
14h30 Characterization of the InterSCity Platform Architecture based on the CharModel – Thatiane de Oliveira Rosa (IME-USP)
14h45 Model-Driven Adapter to run Domain-Specific Middleware over Smart Cities platform – Paulo César Melo (INF-UFG)
15h00 Utilização de serviços nativos de computação em nuvem na plataforma de cidades inteligentes InterSCity – Leonardo Gomes Nunes (UNIFESP)
15h15 Pot Pourri de atividades de pesquisas 3: Arquitetura Híbrida de Registros Distribuídos para Internet da Coisas, A Tecnologia SGX e Plataformas de Corrente de Blocos Permissionadas para Contratos Inteligentes – Igor Drumond Alvarenga, Matheus Barreira Guerra e Guilherme Thomaz Araújo (GTA/UFRJ)
Day 6 – August 13th, 2021 (Friday), 14h – 15h30
Session “Tools” (Chair: Alfredo Goldman)
14h00 A Blockchain Identity Management System for Smart Cities – André Luiz Cardoso (UFMA)
14h15 Studying and improving the InterSCSimulator’s performance – João Francisco Cocca Fukuda (EACH-USP)
14h30 Detection and employment of recurring traffic flow tendencies to accelerate smart city simulations – Francisco Wallison Carlos Rocha (EACH-USP)
14h45 An InterSCity/ContextNET Framework for Supporting Multi-layer Data Flow Applications for Smart Cities – Pablo Teófilo Durans (UFMA)
15h00 A prototype for identification of microservices patterns based on automatically collected data – João Francisco Lino Daniel, Erick Rodrigues Santana, Lucas Henrique Morais (IME-USP)

The presentations are available at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oqRxzy_yYqCKRgaXUdo9Uwz6QvouoSPY?usp=sharing.

Third INCT Workshop – Online Edition

The third INCT workshop took place remotely via Internet, due to the coronavirus pandemic, from April 7th to June 9th. The presentations were rescheduled and divided in 5 technical sessions covering the topics of urban mobility, computer networks, Internet of Things platforms, Big Data, cloud computing, middleware, and citizen science. Members of the project presented and discussed ongoing research and the possibilities of future projects.

|Check the slides and videos of the presentations|


The full program was:

Day 1 – April 7th, 2020
Session “ Urban Mobility” (Chair: Fabio Kon)
Visualization of Urban Mobility with Bundling – Tallys Gustavo Martins (IME-USP)
Analysing São Paulo Cycling Data – Higor Amario de Souza (IME-USP)
Framework for real-time bus data processing – Mayuri Morais (UFABC)
Monitoramento de emissões do transporte público na cidade de São Paulo – Roberto Speicys Cardoso (Scipopulis)
Day 2 – April 28th, 2020
Session “ Computer Networks” (Chair: Daniel Batista)
Microservice Placement in Multi-tier Cloud-to-Fog Networks – Fillipe dos Santos Silva (Unicamp)
Network Slicing in the Fog to Support Mobile Users With Different Requirements – Diogo Machado Gonçalves (Unicamp)
Efficient Resource Management in Cloud-Fog based Optical 5G Networks – Rodrigo Izidoro Tinini (UFABC)
Federated Learning in Edge Computing for Real-Time Traffic Estimation in Smart Cities – Matteus Vargas Simão da Silva (Unicamp)
Day 3 – May 12th, 2020
Session “IoT Platforms” (Chair: Alfredo Goldman)
Integration of Smart Meters in the InterSCity Platform – Luiz Henrique Neves Rodrigues (IME-USP)
InterSCity Platform Architecture Evaluation with CEMMBA – Thatiane de Oliveira Rosa (IME-USP)
Performance and Scalability of Open Source IoT Platforms – Dener Edson Ottolini G. da Silva (UFABC)
Day 4 – May 26th, 2020
Session “Big Data and Cloud Computing” (Chair: Kelly Braghetto)
Predicting Dengue Occurrence in cities with Machine Learning – Robson Pereira Aleixo (IME-USP)
Scheduling for cloud computing platforms considering solar farms and batteries – Miguel Felipe Silva Vasconcelos (EACH-USP)
Emergent Microservices: improving resource utilization – Marcio Pereira de Sá (UFG)
Smart Environment e COVID: Experiências do uso do InterSCity em casos reais – Igor Cunha Teixeira (IPT)
Day 5 – June 9th, 2020
Session “New presentations” (Chair: Daniel Batista)
Model-Driven Domain-Specific Middleware for Smart Cities – Paulo Cesar Ferreira Melo (UFG)
Ciência Cidadã e aprendizado ativo para detecção de áreas desmatadas – Alvaro Luiz Fazenda (Unifesp)
Traffic-Light Control for Emergency Vehicles – Rodrigo Gonçalves de Branco (UFMS)
Gateway to connect wireless sensor network testbeds to the InterSCity Platform- Rafael Rodrigues Silva (UFG)
Click here to read more about the results 

Second INCT workshop

The second INCT workshop took place at Juquehy (SP) on April 15th to 17th, when members of the group learned more about each other’s research and means of interaction and integration were discussed.

You may want to check the presentations and photos of the event. The full program was:

Day 1 – Monday, April 15, 2019
Time Activity Location
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Restaurant
14:00 – 16:10 Session 1 – Introduction, ongoing and future research highlights Meeting room
14:00 An overview about INCT’s last year – Alfredo Goldman (IME-USP)
14:30 Blockchain and the potential of new applications: cases in health – Arlindo F. Conceição (Unifesp)
14:50 Analysis of public bus system data to predict travel times –
Raphael Y. de Camargo (UFABC)
15:20 Mapping of the public transportation impact in atmospheric emissions –
Roberto S. Cardoso (Scipopulis)
15:35 Context-based analysis of passenger behavior in transport terminals –
Joelma Costa (IME-USP)
15:50 – 16:20 Coffee break Pool
16:20 – 18:00 Session 2 – Ongoing and future research highlights Meeting room
16:20 Mobility and fog computing – Luiz Bittencourt (IC-UNICAMP)
16:30 Microservices-oriented approach for video delivery over the edge –
Roger Immich (IC-UNICAMP)
16:45 Fog-Aware Computing for Smart Societies – Carlos Kamienski (UFABC)
17:05 NFV for IoT – José S. Monar (IC-UNICAMP)
17:15 Network Intent Deployment using Natural Language –
Ronaldo Ferreira (UFMS)
17:30 IoT Security – Gabriel Capella (IME-USP)
19:00 – 20:30 Dinner Restaurant
20:30 – 21:45 Session 3 – Technical presentations Meeting room
20:30 The InterSCity platform – Higor Souza (IME-USP)
21:00 Smart City simulation with InterSCSimulator –
Eduardo Santana (IME-USP)
21:30 Next steps in the development of the InterSCity platform –
Rafael Manzo and Diego Camarinha (Pragma Code)
Day 2 – Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Time Activity Location
07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast Restaurant
09:00 – 11:00 Session 4 – Ongoing and future research highlights Meeting room
9:00 Deforestation detection by citizen science and machine learning –
Alvaro L Fazenda (Unifesp)
9:15 Sensor networks for landslide monitoring: a systematic review and prototype – Denise Stringhini (Unifesp)
9:35 IoTrees – Antonio Deusany Jr. (IME-USP)
9:55 INACITY – INvestigate and Analyse a City – Artur Oliveira (IME-USP)
10:10 Identifying entanglement of trees and wires –
Gabriel M. de Araújo (IME-USP)
10:20 Assessing accessibility in urban environments –
João M. Barguil (IME-USP)
11:00 – 12:00 Session 5 – Beach walk brainstorming: cross-university collaborations on INCT projects Beach
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Restaurant
14:00 – 16:00 Session 6 – Ongoing and future research highlights Meeting room
14:00 Design of scalable instantaneous alerts for geographic regions –
Markus Endler and Alexandre Meslin (PUC-Rio)
14:20 Domain-specific middleware for smart cities –
Fábio Costa, Adalberto Sampaio Jr. and Paulo Melo (UFG)
14:40 Emergent microservices in the InterSCity platform –
Fábio Costa and Márcio Sá (UFG)
15:00 InterSCity DataProcessor: current status and next steps –
Dylan Guedes (IME-USP)
15:10 Visualizing Origin-Destination Flows with Bundling – Tallys Martins (IME-USP)
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break Pool
17:00 – 18:15 Session 7 – How to achieve High-Impact Research? Meeting room
17:10 What is high-impact research? – Fabio Kon (IME-USP)
17:30 Individual group meetings for planning high-impact research
18:00 Summaries of discussions presented by group representatives
18:30 Opportunity for cooperation with the Institute for Technological Research
of São Paulo in the FAPESP project of digital transformation –
smart cities theme – Alessandro S. dos Santos (IPT)
19:30 – 20:45 Dinner Restaurant
20:45 – 21:30 Suggestions for improving the project. How we can better invest our money? Meeting room
21:30 – 22:30 KARAOKÊ do INCT – InterSCity in Concert! Meeting room
Day 3 – Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Time Activity Location
07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast Restaurant
08:45 – 11:00 Session 8 – Collaboration, education, and research highlights Meeting room
8:45 Smart City Software Engineering – The UFMA Graduate Course
Laboratory – Davi Viana (UFMA)
9:05 Analyzing bike sharing big data to understand urban mobility flows – Fabio Kon (IME-USP)
9:25 Arquigrafia (FAU-USP) –
Beatriz Andrade, Fernanda G. Figueiredo and Priscilla M. Wazima
10:00 Closing remarks and future planning
10:30 – 11:30 Session 9 – Beach walk brainstorming: concrete actions to kick start high-impact collaborations within the INCT Beach
11:30 – 12:00 Check-out Reception
12:00 – 13:00 Check-out and Lunch Restaurant
13:00 – 14:30 Session 10 – Research Highlights Meeting room
13:00 Shortest Path Problem in Intermodal Graphs –
Matsvei Tsishyn (IRIDIA – Université Libre de Bruxelles)
13:20 The InternaSUS Urban Health Dashboard – Gabriely Rangel Pereira (IME-USP)
13:40 Health Data Integration – Debora Lina Ciriaco (IME-USP)
15:00 – 18:30 Trip back to São Paulo (estimated arrival around 18:30) Hotel – IME

First INCT Workshop

The first INCT workshop took place at Juquehy (SP) on April 10th to 12th, when members of the group learned more about each other’s research and means of interaction and integration were discussed.

You may want to check the presentations and log of activities of the event. The full program was:

1st day — Monday, April 10, 2017
Time Activity Location
12:00 – 14:00 Group lunch Restaurant
14:00 – 16:00 Session 1 – Introduction Meeting room
14:00 Coordinator Welcome and Objectives of the INCT – Fabio Kon
14:30 Research Line 1 – Networking and High Performance Distributed Computing – Alfredo Goldman (IME-USP)
14:50 Research Line 2 – Software Engineering for the Future Internet – Fabio Kon (IME-USP)
15:10 Research Line 3 – Analysis and Mathematical Modeling for FI and Smart Cities – Roberto Hirata (IME-USP)
15:30 Discussion
16:00 – 16:30 Social networking with ☕ Pool
16:30 – 18:30 Session 2 – Ongoing and Future Research Highlights Meeting room
16:30 Edmundo Madeira and Luiz Fernando Bittencourt (Unicamp) – Fog Computing Mechanisms in Vehicular Networks
16:50 Hervé Yviquel + Marcio Pereira (Unicamp) – Bridging the Gap between IoT networks and the Cloud
17:10 Daniel Batista (IME-USP) – RFID, 5G, and Social Networks
17:30 Diogo Mattos, Igor Alvarenga (UFRJ) – UNI: Unified Network Infrastructure / SOS: Security Operation System
17:50 Markus Endler (PUC-Rio) – ContextNet, Mobile Communication, and IoT
18:10 Vitor Pinheiro (PUC-Rio) – Hospital Management with IoT
19:30 – 21:00 Dinner Restaurant
21:00 – 22:00 Session 3 – Technical Presentation: The InterSCity Platform, SmartCity Simulation, and sample applications – Arthur del Esposte and Eduardo Santana (IME-USP) Meeting room
2nd day — Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Time Activity Location
7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast Restaurant
9:00 – 11:00 Session 4 – Research Highlights and Guest Scientists Meeting room
09:00 Ana Paula e André Chou (FAU-USP) – From SmartAudio and Arquigrafia to the OpenAir Museum
09:20 Guest Scientists: Augusto Sampaio, Sergio Soares, Kiev Gama (UFPE) – The INES 2.0 INCT
09:50 Raphael Camargo (UFABC) – Machine Learning for Scheduling and Data Analysis
10:00 Ronaldo Alves Ferreira (UFMS) – Dynamic Service Chaining for NFV
10:20 Flavio S. C. Silva and Junior Barrera (IME-USP) – AI and Machine Learning
10:40 Kelly Braghetto and Routo Terada (IME-USP) – Dataflows | Cryptography and Blockchain
11:00 – 12:00 Session 5 – Beach Walk Brainstorming: seeking opportunities for joint collaborative research and grant applications Beach
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Restaurant
14:00 – 16:00 Session 6 – Ongoing and Future Research and Innovation Highlights Meeting room
14:00 Marcelo Queiroz (IME-USP) – Sound computing, soundscapes and sonic interaction
14:20 Denise Stringhini e Álvaro Fazenda (Unifesp) – Sensing urban areas for monitoring and warning of natural disasters
14:40 Ricardo Rocha (UFG) – Choreographic microservices at runtime: modeling, deployment, enactment and security
15:00 – 16:00 Roberto Speicys (Scipopulis) – Advanced Science, Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Urban Mobility: the Scipopulis Case
16:20 – 16:50 Social Networking with ☕ Pool
16:50 – 18:30 Session 7 – Thematic sub-groups meetings for research planning Meeting room
16:50 Individual group meetings for research planning
17:50 Summaries of discussions presented by group representatives
19:30 – 21:00 Dinner Restaurant
21:00 – 22:00 Session 8 – Technical Presentation 2: FiWare and Knot – by Kiev Gama (UFPE) Meeting room
3rd day — Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Time Activity Location
7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast Restaurant
9:00 – 11:00 Session 9 – Ongoing and Future Research Highlights and Future Planning Meeting room
09:00 Caio Vassão, Lucas Girard, Gabriel Figueiredo (FAU) – Future Cities: an approach through the lens of technology, anthropology and urban design
09:40 Guest Scientist: Noemi Rodrigues PUC-Rio – Programming for the IoT
10:00 Ivan Dimitry Zyrianoff and Alexandre Heideker (UFABC) – Urban Computing: Technologies and Applications for Smart Cities
10:10 Andé Chou – InterScity.org web site and design materials
10:15 – 11:00 Closing Remarks and Future Planning
11:00 – 12:00 Session 10 – Beach Walk Brainstorming: concrete actions in the short range to kick start the research subprojects Beach
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Restaurant
14:00 – 17:30 Trip back to São Paulo (arrival estimated at 17:30) BR101-Imigrantes